Friday, June 17, 2011

Good Friday

Today was a good day. The Lord's blessings were abundant. My highlight was going to Clark's bedside alone this morning, sitting talking to him, just filling him in on what has been going on. I then pulled out several scripture verses that my sister, Cheri, had printed in large font so we wouldn't have to wear readers. I laid them on top of Clark, like a blanket of hope. Then I prayed for him out loud, using the scriptures before me. When done, I was thought "Boy Clark you are literally covered in prayer"!
We then shared an ear bud to his IPOD and worshiped our Lord through song.
Ok, you may think I'm a little nuts, which I am, but I then sat on a chair close to the bed, with my upper body lying next to Clark, took off his restraint and put his arm around me. It felt like he was holding and comforting me while I cried. It was really a very special hour alone with my dear brother. Late in the day, I set Cheri up with the same position, offering her the same special moments with her brother. She loved it.
His surgery today, to change his trachea went well. He has a new stabile trach which allows us to finally move him off his back. Praise God that he had no skin breakdown even though he hadn't moved for 5 days.
Thank you for your prayers!
Tomorrow morning we plan to take him off of sedation to see if he will wake up. Please pray for God's will. I just don't know what is best (to wake up or not), I just know God's will is. We don't know what tomorrow brings, but we know who holds tomorrow.
God really does give you what you need when you need it. The last few years God has really matured me to get me ready for what was to come. God is in our present circumstances and he is already in the future, He has it all covered. I have more recently learned to completely rely on Christ's will, His daily plan for my days, believing that not only my days are numbered on this earth, but the content of my days are also in his hands. Gratitude in all circumstances is the antidote for complaining and feeling sorry for myself. No matter what is going on, there is ALWAYS reason to praise Him. Our praise bless God, it brings Him such JOY! And after all, He deserves it. Right?
Before I turn in, I wanted to thank you for the support responses i have received from you. It keeps me smiling.
Also, I wanted to brag about my son Brian for a minute. He has been living here in the Springs for the past 5 years. He is unemployed right now and he has devoted his time and much energy serving our family as we serve Clark. He is our official taxi driver, he gives me lots of hugs and verbal support, always brings laughter, he has paid Clark's bills (Clark's money, of course), and has used technology to update several cell phones, has taught the use of the phones, and has greatly helped the Olson's with the technology in their home, cooking, dishes. He has just been hanging with us wether at the hospital or at the Olson's home.
His actions have been so helpful! I am so proud of him! What a wonderful son I have.

Feeling Joy in the Lord,

1 comment:

  1. What precious moments for you to have with your brother. God has also given you a precious son to love on you and support you at this time. Praise God! I love you and love to hear how you approach life and your time with your brother. Each day is a gift and you always see the hidden treasures in each moment God lays before you. You are a blessing to your family and friends. You put on Christ and wear Him and are an amazing example of God's love. Continue to seek His face and He will continue to equip you for this purpose. He is with you watching over you and Clark constantly - our Emmanuel. His presence enfolds you with radiant love and nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. Joy is not dependent on your circumstances but joy is what comes from our Lord as we trust Him and rely on His strength. Loving and missing you, SIC - Kathy
